Approval procedures

...for approval procedures for large-scale retail stores

Center development the planning and development of shopping and specalised retail centres

Investment decisions

...for evaluating and safeguarding investment decisions

Branch network optimisation

...aimed at optimising the location network and strengthening the market position

Opinion research

..for opinion research and analysis of consumer behaviour


In cooperation with experienced, highly-qualified specialists (DIA) in evaluating built-up and undeveloped plots of land, rents and leaseholds, ecostra offers a broad range of services - from the evaluation of individual properties to the analysis of overall property stocks for institutional investors. The expert's report service includes the following:

Evaluation of individual buildings in Germany and abroad

For individual buildings - a plot of land, building or part-owned building - our experts will draw up traffic intensity/market value reports for courts, private individuals, companies and local authorities, as well as public bodies. The following offers you insight into the objects, purposes and methods of evaluation.

  • Evaluation properties:
    • Undeveloped plots of land, land expected to become building land soon, development areas
    • Plots of industrial land
    • Conversion areas
    • Single-family and multi-family houses
    • Housing and business premises
    • Fully and part-owned home properties
    • Office buildings
    • Retail trade, shopping centers
    • Business and industrial buildings
    • Logistics
  • Evaluation purpose:
    • Land plot evaluation in the light of property sales and purchases
    • Property evaluation for purchase or sale
    • Settlements of estates, calculation of inheritance shares, inheritance and gift tax (evaluation if required)
    • Asset distributions (e.g. in case of divorce)
    • Loan value reports
    • Evaluation of lifehold, right of abode, including heritable building right
  • Evaluation methods:
    • Expert's reports on traffic or market value reports in accordance with Section 194 of the German Building Code
    • Standardised evaluation method in accordance with the German Ordinance for Valuation (Wertermittlungsverordnung): comparative value method; material asset and income method
    • International methods: residual procedure, DCF (Discounted Cash Flow) method


Evaluation of property portfolios in Germany and Europe

We can offer the following range of services to companies who require a professional overview of their real estate property, want to optimise their portfolio or plan the sale of property assets, and investors who are interested in taking over property packages:

  • Determination of the current market value of a stock of property
  • Suggestions for optimising your stock of properties (e.g. the outsourcing of any properties which are not necessary for operation, suggestions for the utilisation of properties by third parties)
  • Services in the area of property transactions: desktop analyses for preparing a purchase offer; preparation and coordination of due diligence inspections
  • Systematic strength/weakness analysis of a property portfolio; analysis of the risks involved in a purchase, as well as a well-grounded evaluation of the property (the objects of the inspection include the application of DCF systems, the examination of human and material resources, strategic market positioning of properties, the legal, financial and location-dependent risks, burdens on the environment, and much more)
  • Evaluation methods:
    • Expert's reports on traffic and market value, in accordance with Section 194 of the German Building Code (BauGB)
    • Standardised evaluation procedure in accordance with the German Ordinance for Valuation (Wertermittlungsverordnung): comparative value method; material asset and income method
    • Fair-value expert's reports within the framework of balancing accounts in accordance with the IFRS
    • Value reports in accordance with the British RICS regulations
    • Evaluations in accordance with the specifications of the American Appraisal Institute
    • Expert's reports on loan value, in accordance with the German Mortgage Ordinance (Beleihungswert-Verordnung) as well as official banking regulations


Vendor Due Diligence - Location analysis and property evaluation

In collaborating with the DIA experts, ecostra has developed a competence which is hard to find on the market in fields including vendor due diligence. In order to be able to appraise property value from the purchaser's viewpoint, we offer the necessary expertise - a location analysis and a property evaluation, all from just one provider!

The gathering of data is thereby oriented towards the needs and strategies of the target group. The information thus obtained enables the development of optimal asset strategies for individual properties and the calculation of sales price potentials, taking into account different investment strategies. Short-term, medium-term and long-term opportunities are (among other factors), analysed and comprehensive information is thereby provided in order to facilitate an investment decision.

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